Sitemap - 2021 - Hardcore Software by Steven Sinofsky


059. Scaling…Everything

058. Synergy

057. Enterprise Agreements [Ch. IX]

056. Going Global . . . Mother Tree

055. Office 2000 is Good to Go!

054. Steve and Steven Get New Jobs

BONUS: Competing with Lotus Notes

053. Strategy Tax: Outlook Storage, First Attempt

052. Alleviating Bloatware, First Attempt

051. HTML: Opportunity, Disruption, or Wedge

050. The Team's Plan in the Face of Disruption

049. Go Get This Rock

048. Pizza for 20 Million People

047. Don’t Ship the Org Chart

046. Prioritizing a New Type of Customer [Ch. VIII]

045. Incompatible Files, Slipping, Office 97 RTM

044. Our First Big M&A Deal (Beating Netscape)

043. DIM Outlook

042. Clippy, The F*cking Clown

041. Scaling the Office Infrastructure and Platform

040. Creating the First Real Office [Ch. VII]

039. Start Me Up

038. Designed for Windows 95

037. Capone and Email Without Typos

036. Fancy Wizard and Red Squiggles

035. Windows 95, August or Bust [Ch. VI]

034. Office94, Office96

033. Creating the Office Product Unit, OPU

032. Winning With the Suite

031. Synchronizing Windows and Office (the First Time) [Ch. V]

030. My Performance Review (and an Expense Report)

029. Telling the Untold Story

028. Pivotal Offsite

027. Internet Evangelist

026. Blue Suede Pumas

025. Trapped

024. Discovering “Cornell is WIRED!” [Ch. IV]

023. ThinkWeeks

022. Injecting New Ideas and IQ: The Information Superhighway

Bonus: The Journey of the EMS and NT Directory

021. Expanding Breadth versus Coherency: The EMS Project

020. Innovation versus Shipping: The Cairo Project

019. BillG the Manager

018. Microsoft’s Two Bountiful Gardens

017. Eyes On Competition, Architecture, and Whitespace

016. Filling the Void Left by IBM

015. Every Group Is Screwed Up

014. Executing on the Expansive Vision of Bill Gates [Ch. III]

013. End of the Beginning

012. I Shipped, Therefore I Am

011. A Strategy for the '90s: Windows

010. Our BillG Review

009. Password is 'NeXTStep'

008. Competing With Steve Jobs (the First Time) [Ch. II]

007. Windows 3.0 Buzz

006. Zero Defects

005. Keeping Busy with Cross-Platform OOP

004. Everything Is Buggy

003. Klunder College

002. SteveSi

001. Becoming a Microsoftie [Ch. I]

Prologue. Becoming a Hacker

Author's Note

Table of Contents

Introducing "Hardcore Software"

In Our Memories…